From 'al-Qawal al-fasl fee al-Ihtifaal bi Mawlid
Khayr al-Rusul' (pg. 110+) of Shaykh Ismaa'eel al-Ansaaree:
As for the claim of the author of the letter published
in the magazine 'al-Mujtama' (no.559), while listing the authors who considered the celebration of the Mawlid to be permissible
and their works (concerning this), that the author of 'Kashf al-Dhunoon fee Usaamee al-Kutub wa al-Funoon' mentioned on page
319 that al-Haafidh ibn Katheer authored a number of treatise concerning the noble Mawlid. From amongst them: 'Jaami al-Aathaar
fee Mawlid al-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar' in three volumes, 'al-Lafdh al-Raa'iq fee Mawlid Khayr al-Khalaa'iq' and it is succinct.
And his claim that ibn Fahd mentioned that ibn Katheer authored a book which he entitled, 'Mawrid as-Saadee fee Mawlid al-Haadee.'
And his saying that al-Haafidh as-Sakhaawee had a book concerning the Mawlid entitled, 'at-Tibr al-Masbook fee Dhail as-Sulook'
then all of this is a grievous error having no basis for being correct.
As for 'Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid al-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar'
then looked up 'Kashf al-Dhunoon' to ascertain the truth of his words and we found it under the letter 'jeem' (pg.533) and
the text is, 'Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid an-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar of Shams ad-Deen Muhammad bin Naasir ad-Deen ad-Dimishqee,
died in the year 842, being in three volumes commencing with the words, "all praise is due to Allaah Who displayed Muhammad
as the most purest of the Universe"
And we found under the letter 'laam' page 1559 the
words, 'al-Lafdh al-Raa'iq fee Mawlid Khayr al-Khalaa'iq' a short booklet by al-Haafidh Shams ad-Deen Muhammad bin Naasir
ad-Deen ad-Damishqee who died in the year 842.'
And we found under the letter 'meem' page. 1910 the
words, 'al-Haafidh as-Sakhaawee mentioned in his 'Daw al-Laami' a group who wrote concerning the Mawlid of the Prophet (SAW)
from amongst them al-Haafidh ibn Naasir ad-Deen ad-Damishqee who authored in this regards 'Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid an-Nabiyy
al-Mukhtaar' in three volumes and a booklet 'al-Lafdh al-Raa'iq fee Mawlid Khayr al-Khalaa'iq' and it is shorter than the
one mentioned before it'
As for 'Mawrid as-Saadee fee Mawlid al-Haadee' then
the claim of the author of that article that ibn Fahd attributed it to ibn Katheer is without basis for ibn Fahd said in 'Lahdh
al-Alhaadh bi Dhail Tabaqaat al-Huffaadh' (pg. 320-321) under the biography of ibn Naasir ad-Deen ad-Damishqee, 'he authored,
and some of them concerned the Mawlid of the Prophet (SAW) and it is 'Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid al-Mukhtaar' in three volumes,
and 'Tawdeeh al-Mushtabah' and 'Mawrid as-Saadee fee Mawlid al-Haadee'..'
And this which is mentioned by ibn Fahd is declared
with certainty by as-Sakhaawee and ash-Shawkaanee.
So it becomes clear with all of this that the claims
of the author of that article published in 'al-Mujtama' magazine has no basis.
Then what ibn Katheer mentions in the section on
the Prophetic biography in his 'Bidaayah wan Nihaayah', and in his lengthy 'Seerah' and in the sections of 'Ikhtisaar Seerah
ar-Rasool', and in his stand alone treatise on the Mawlid published with the tahqeeq of Salaah ad-Deen al-Manjad, and in his
revision to the Mawlid of his shaykh Kamaal ad-Deen Abee Ma'aalee Muhammad bin Alee al-Ansaaree contained in the section detailing
'Dalaa'il an-Nubuwwah' in his 'Bidaayah wan Nihaayah' he does not present anything in these concerning the celebration of
the Mawlid of the Prophet (SAW) and neither of the evil practices that have occurred amongst the later generations with respect
to the Mawlid. Therefore as long as the matter is like this then we cannot accept the claim of the author of that article.
[fn: and what Muhammad bin Alawee al-Maalikee vainly
thinks in his work 'al-Ihtifaal bi Mawlid an-Nabawiyy ash-Shareef' (pg. 38) that the 'Mawlid' of al-Haafidh ibn Katheer is
from those works that present celebrating the Mawlid of the Prophet is not correct.]
As for the saying of the author of that article that
as-Sakhaawee authored a book about the Mawlid entitled 'at-Tibr al-Masbook fee Dhail al-Sulook' then this is also incorrect
as-Sakhaawee said in his autobiography contained in 'Daw al-Laami li A'yaan al-Qarn at-Taasi' (8/17) while listing his works,
'and 'at-Tibr al-Masbook fee Dhail alaa Taareekh al-Maqreezee as-Sulook' containing the events and deaths (of scholars) since
the year 45 to this day in 4 volumes' so this is what as-Sakhaawee himself clarifies and it is clear that the subject matter
of the book is not the Mawlid even though it may contain things connected to the Mawlid.