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- The water with which Wudhu or Ghusl has been made is called MUSTA'MAL (used) WATER. This in itself
is TAAHIR, but Wudhu or Ghusl is not ALLOWED with this water.
- Water from which DOGS, PIGS or ANIMALS of PREY have drunk is NAJIS (Impure). The water which a CAT
drinks immediately after eating a mouse or any other creature is NAJIS (Napaak). Water left by a person who has just drunk
WINE is also NAJIS (Napaak).
- Water left by a cat (if it has not just eaten a mouse), a cow, buffalo or hen that eats anything Napaak
(filth), lizard, crow, kite, hawk, eagle and all other Haraam birds, is MAKROOH.
- The water which has been left over after drinking by human beings, Halaal animals e.g.. cows, goats,
pigeons, doves and horses, is TAAHIR (clean).
- All types of water will become NAJIS if NAJAASAT falls into them. However, two types of water are
excluded from this rule, namely:
- Flowing water of river or sea and
- STORED water in LARGE QUANTITY, e.g.. large reservoir or huge tank.
- Stored or standing water which covers an area of approximately 21 x 21 FEET, THAT IS + (6.5m. x 6.5m)
and is deep enough so that a person can take out water with his hands without baring the ground, is regarded as large quantity
of water. Any tank or reservoir as big as that will be called a BIG TANK or a BIG RESERVOIR.
- Any animal or bird which has FLOWING BLOOD and falls into water of a SMALL quantity and dies will
make the water NAJIS (Napaak).
E.g.. birds, fowls, pigeons, cats or mice, etc.
- The water of a big tank or reservoir becomes NAJIS when the TASTE, COI.OUR or SMELL of the NAJAASAT
becomes apparent.
- Animals that are born and live in water, e.g.. fish, frogs, etc. or insects that do NOT have FLOWING
BLOOD, e.g.. flies, lizards, frogs or ants do not make the water NAJIS if they have to die inside the water.
TO MAKE THE NIYYAT FOR GHUSL IS SUNNAT. One should make the intention of becoming PAAK (clean) from
that HADAS (impurity) which he wishes to get himself clean from, eg.:
Hadase Akbar:
Faraa'idh (Compulsory Acts) of GHUSL
- Passing water into and out of the mouth, i.e. GARGLING.
- Putting water into the NOSTRILS.
- Passing water over the entire body.
- Washing hands upto the wrists.
- Washing the private parts and the parts over which uncleanliness is found:
- Niyyat of washing off Hukmi Najaasat.
- Making Wudhu before washing the body.
- Then passing water cover the whole body thrice.
Rules Whilst Making Ghusl
- Ghusl should be made in a place of total privacy.
- One should not face the Qibla whilst making Ghusl.
- Ghusl may he performed standing or seated, preferably seated.
- Use sufficient water. Do not skimp nor be wasteful
- Abstain from speaking whilst performing Ghusl.
- It is better not to read any Kalimah or Aayah while bathing. Before performing Ghusl one should make
- Niyyah (intention) thus:
I am performing Ghusl to become PAAK.
- Without Niyyah there is no SAWAAB (reward) although Ghusl will be valid.
Procedure for Performing GHUSL
- Wash both hands including the wrists.
- Wash the private parts. The hands and private parts should be washed even if one is not in the state
- If there is NAJAASAT elsewhere on the body, it should now be washed off.
- Perform Wudhu. If one is making Ghusl on a stool or platform where water will rapidly flow away, then
perform the complete Wudhu. If there is a fear of the feet being dipped in waste water during the Ghusl then postpone the
washing of the feet to the end of the Ghusl. Ensure that the mouth and nostrils are thoroughly rinsed THRICE.
- After performing Wudhu pour water over the head thrice.
- Thereafter pour water thrice over the right shoulder and thrice over the left shoulder.
- Then polar water over the entire body and rub.
- If the hair of the head are not plaited, it is compulsory to wet all the hair upto the very base.
- If a single hair is left DRY, Ghusl will NOT be VALID.
- If the hair of a woman are plaited, she is excused from loosening her plaited hair but it is COMPULSORY
for her to wet the base of each and every hair. If she fails to do so then the Ghusl will NOT be VALID.
- As for men who grow long hair and plait them, they are NOT EXCUSED from leaving their hair DRY.
- If a woman experiences difficulty or is unable to wet the very bottom of her plaited hair, then it
is necessary for her to unplait her hair and wash her entire hair.
- It is MUSTAHAB (preferable) to clean the body by rubbing it.
- All parts of the body should be rubbed with the hands to ensure that water has reached all parts of
the body and no portion is left dry.
- Rings, earrings, etc., should be removed to ensure that no portion covered by them is left dry. Ensure
that the navel and ears are all wet. If they are not wet Ghusl will be incomplete.
- On completion one should confine oneself to a clean place. If, while performing Wudhu the feet had
been washed, it is not necessary to wash them again. Dry the body with a clean towel and dress as hastily as possible.
- If after Ghusl one recalls that a certain portion of the body is left dry, it is not necessary to
repeat the (Ghusl Merely wash the dry portion. It is not sufficient to pass a wet hand over the dry place. If one has forgotten
to rinse the mouth or the nostrils, these too must be rinsed when recalled after Ghusl has been performed.
- It is permissible to leave the head dry and wash the rest of the body if it is harmful to apply water
to the head due to some sickness or ailment. However, once the person is cured of his sickness, it is Wajib to wash the head.
Water has to flow over it.
- Make haste in covering the body. One should not delay in wearing one's clothes after completing the
Ghusl. The Shar'iah emphasises this so much, that if the feet have not been washed as yet, then first put on the clothes and
thereafter wash the feet.
- It is not necessary to remove the ointment from a cut or wound during Ghusl. Just pour water over
- After Ghusl, Wudhu should not be made to perform Salaat or for any other Ibaadat since the Ghusl is
- It is preferable to cut the nails of the fingers and toes as well as remove the hair from under the
armpits and below the navel before taking bath. If one is in the state of Hadase Akbar or Janaabat then it is not permissible
to remove, cut or break any nails or hair from any part of the body. Unwanted hair should preferably be removed once a week.
If this is not possible then every second week. Care should be taken that it is not left for more than 40 days. Beyond 40
days the neglecter will be guilty of sin.
Note: It is compulsory for a person who is in the state of Janaabat (impurity) to perform
It is also compulsory for a woman to have a bath after Haidh and Nifaas.
- Haidh: the female monthly period of menstruation. The maximum period of ten days.
- Nifaas: the blood which flows after childbirth The maximum period is forty days.
Pairing of the finger nails should begin at the SHAHAADAT finger (index finger of the
right hand). The nails of the balance three fingers (of the right hand) should be clipped next, in order. Thereafter continue
with the small finger of the left hand and complete the remaining three fingers and thumb, in sequence. Lastly, clip the nail
of the right thumb.
Clipping of the TOE nails should begin at the small toe of the RIGHT foot and end at
the small toe of the LEFT foot, in order.
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