Extraction of the versus in the book of John chapter 16 versus 7 through 14
as for the actual prophecy, the legacy that he had left, part of justice is that we muct consider
what "thing" actually fulfilled the description of what Jesus was supposedly to have said.
lets look at the prophecy
It says “Nevertheless I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away,
the helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. And when he has come, he will convict the world
of sin and of righteousness and of judgement Of sin, because they do not beleive in me Of righteousness because I go
to my father and you see me no more Of judgement because the ruler of this world is judged. I still have many things
to tell you but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you to all truth;
for he will not speak of his own authority, but whatever he hears, he will speak, and he will tell you things to come He
will glroify me for he will take of what is mine and declare it to you"
this is in John 16:7-14 and I used the msot
widely selected bible the king james version although others use the term "comforter" and "holy spirit", any of these terms
will due and be fine, so I will refer to which ever one in my following points.
1.this entity that Jesus alaihi salatu
salam said was to come has been regarded as the "holy spirit" according to modern christians after the council of nicea, in
fact much after csince this council did notinfect this idea within every adherent as it took centuries to fulfill. Upon
careful investigation and reflection one can see t hat Jesus began his prophecy by saying "Nevertheless
I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you; but
if I go, I will send him to you."
Any recipient of of this text can easily detect that this
statements in its essence is conditional. Either Jesus departs and this entity comes, or he stays and this entity does not
come yet. Yet before the sayer of this statement (supposedly Isa) was born the bible says "And he (John the Baptist) shall
be filled with the holy spirit even from his mothers womb" (Luke 1:15) again "And Elizabeth was filled with the holy
spirit" (Luke 1:41) again "And his father Zacharias was filled with the holy spirit" (Luke 1:67)
after he was
born we have "And the holy spirit was upon him (Simeon)" (Luke 2:26)
So the very beginning of the prophecy negates
the idea that this entity to be the "holy spirit"
2. "And when he has come, he will convict
the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgement Of sin, because they do not beleive in me"
this entity which Jesus refers to as "he" and not "it" (which dentoes humaness) will convict the world of sin. And then Jesus
explains that sin. What is the sin. The sin is "because they (anyione and everyone who doesn't) do not beleive me"
it is beleif and the light of guidance to beleive in Jesus. It is also darness and desctruction to disbeleive in him and a
revilement against God. SO automatically the jews are x'ed out. Muhammad made the world beleive in Jesus why. because of two
points. The first is that while the earlier propehts were all sent to a particualr tribe of people (including Jesus which
he himself has stated, which Paul seems to negate) Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa salam was sent to the entire world, to both
mankind and jinn. He was a messenger to all and not only a specific group of people like the arabs or others, but all. Secondly,
if it were not for the servitude for the nation of Muhammad for the Messenger of Allah, Isa (Jesus) alaihi salatu salam, the
world would not have ever even known of Jesus in the way we know him now due to the astronomical and ample amount of condensed
confusion and controversy surrounding the historical figure known as Jesus and the atheist and those who disbeleive would
have had the upper hand in eradicating the identity of jesus if it were not for us.
And thridly, it is an article of
faith that we beleive in jesus and the negation of beleiving in Jesus is a negation of ALlah's religion, al-Islam. No mulims
can be a muslim except that he beleives in Jesus. To further substantiate my claim I will use their own book about the true
and correct beleif in Jesus.
The true and correct beleif in Jesus as stated in the first epistle of John says "Hereby
know ye the spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God" ( 1 John 4:2) This
is the declaration of faith. The negation of this as reported in the next verse is tantamount of anti-christhood. Muhammad
sallalahu alaihi wa salam professes this fact and so does every follower of Muhammad.
So to end this first deduction
of "sin" and how Jesus explained that "sin" we ask how does the entity of the "holy spirit" that they conceive it to be actually
fulfilles all of the above. In what way? 3. Of righteousness because I go to my father and you
see me no more
Jesus explains righteousness because he actually goes back to His Lord God
and they will not see him no more.
Muhammad came with the Quraan and state therin that Jesus went to God or that Allah
close to Him for a time. So here we have a situation where another enity actually confirms what Jesus did. The holy spirit
does not tell this to no one. How does the receiving of the holy spirit tell this to the recipient
4. Of judgement because the ruler of this world is judged.
Jesus explained in the
realm of judgement because "the ruler of this world is judged"
This is a more inflectional statement that is pretty
hard for me to figure out so I wont go into detial except that since jesus said "the ruler of this world is judged" then
that ruler of this world is the one who is Ibless or Saytan and that could be reconciled for there are two passages (if i
remember correctly) one in the old and new testamounts where it says that Saytan is the God of this world. If Jesus meant
it in that context then Saytan is judged by this entity. The only plausible understanding that could be derived from this
is that he means the acts of saytan, or those things which satan influences men to do. UIf this is the case then all the acts
done in Islam that are befitting the Shaytan (saytan) are punished and and judged by the ligth of the Laws laid down by Allah
and His Messenger. If this is a plausible meaning then how does the Holy spirit bring this about.
This is what Icould
deduce form this verse and I dont really amke it absolute and wisgh to sincerily hear the meaning of "the ruler of this world
is judged"
5. I still have many things to tell you but you cannot bear them now.
What are these things. Any person with justice would say "pearls of wisdom" or quite simply "guidance from God".
If that is the case, then it is revelation. It is revealed to him through divine inspiration. This then would mean that
there is more revelation to come, more things that need to be fulfilled for the guidance of man, and according to the way
Jesus is in his nature and who he was, this revelation has to be by way of prophethood, revealed law or way. Of course the
christian could say that they receive inspiration from God. So the question is do they receive divine law and commands, guidance
as Jesus did. Are they Gods or are they prophets themselves. anyone and everyone who is christian and not christian would
of coruse say no, they are not like Jesus. But we can say boldy that Muhammad was and is like Jesus in many fashions as they
received revelation and the books that derive from God. No one on this earth can testify boldly that what they have is direct
revelation from God. Only Jesus, and the only one after him could can say this in truth boldy is Muhammad. Not even the gospel
writters and other than t hem can say that what they wrote was soemthign that God gave to them Himself.
compare this
statement of Jesus in the ending of his commission in sending the gospel and the end of Muhammads mission when the prophet
Muhamamd said to his coompanions "There is no matter that will lead to the paradise except that I have enjoined you with it,
and there is no matter that will lead you to the hellfire except that I have warned you from it" Jesus words emphasises
incompletion which is why he speaks of the next one and tells us that he bring you to "all truth" and Muhammads words ephasises
completion and the fulfillment of guiding them to all truth
6. However, when he, the spirit
of truth, has come, he will guide you to all truth
All truth. What is this all truth. Again
truth is something that has to be of a certain nature that it is God Himself who is delivering truth. And that deliverance
can only be truthfully conveyed by one whom He the Most High choses to deliver tha truth. anyone other than they is subject
to dispute of either acceptance or rejection. Also the second matter is Islam brought truth and guidance to all walks and
quarters of life, from as big as devoting worship to Him in obligatory matters, to as samll as cleansing oneself after the
call of nature, to something as great as fighting for the sake of Allah with your soul and your physical self, or as small
as reserving a third of your stomach for food, a third for liquid, and a third for air. This is all truth. Islam reaches all
spans and all actions of life, places where original chrisitan beleif and obligated practices and commans do fall touch or
expound on and if they do, it is left general with no real detail .
again I reemphasis Jesus statement "he will guide
you to all truth" and caste that upon the prophet statement "There is no matter that will lead to the paradise except that
I have enjoined you with it, and there is no matter that will lead you to the hellfire except that I have warned you from
it" thus fitting the description of Jesus that the holy spirit that the chrisitans view doesnt fit.
7. for he will not speak of his own authority
Allah said in His Book "Nor does he
speak of (his own) desire." (53:3)
The Messenger of Allah said as narrated in Bukharee (it is an extraction of a longer
hadeeth) "Nothing comes out of this mouth except the haq (utter truth)" pointing at his mouth when he said it.
any one from the billions of christians who "received" God in their interpretation as "the holy spirit" can make this claim
about themselves. Can they honestly say 1. that they dont lie and that they only speak the truth and secondly have a divine
source authenticating their claim.
So how could this "entity" fit with the holy spirit.
8. but
whatever he hears, he will speak, and he will tell you things to come
He, Muhammad, heard
from Gibreel (Gabriel) the messenger between God and the Messengers of God alaihimu salatu wa salam.
What does the
recipient of the holy spirit hear from. do they hear a voice, like Muhamamd did. Secondly Jesus said "he will tell you
things to come". bascially the one who can do this is none other than a prophet, unless the christian world is going to unanimously
accept that every claiment of the holy spirit is a prophet and is prophecising of things to come as the Prophet Muhammad salawatullahi
wa salamu alaihi did. No follower of Christ except Christ himself has detailed the heaven and hellfire and judgement day as
the prophet Muhamamd did. In fact one third of the 6 thousand and someodd versus of the Quraan is about this very topic and
thousands of his narrations are dedicated to this event.no entity has done so except Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa salam.
He will glorify me for he will take of what is mine and declare it to you
means praise and in this sense glory can be attributed to many things, but keeping in mind thhat all praise, all glory belongs
to the Master of all that exist. So this entity will take what was Jesus and give it to them. was this thing that this
entity takes the holy spirit. jesus said that he will not come yet, despite textual evidence from the bible pointing to us
the accompanyment of the holy spirit with those people during his time and before his birth. So is it the holy spirit. Muhamamd
is the one who took what was Jesus alaihi salam, the divine message of God and the mission to rectify man, and disperse it
to all of mankind in a clear pristine form without ambiguity or contraversy.
Muhamamd also praised him by bringing
the claim of God that God strengthened him (Jesus) and aided him with His Ruh (Spirit) and spoke directly. He is one of the
Messenger that outrank many and virtually all other Messengers in status in the sight of Allah and is the reviver of the laws
that Moses brought to his people. He has been given the station and the only one who will come back to thsi world, he is the
only one who did not die yet, all the Messenger of God had already passed this life, except Jesus and he will come back tofight
and kill the dajjal (anti-christ), kill the pig, break the cross, and establish bascially a mini paradise on earth, an action
no other prophet will do except him. These are all the statements of Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa salam. Every single statement,
claim that jesus emphasised in his prophecy, if analysed, alludes to be other than what is beleived by the christians by logical,
textual, historical, and divine precedent.
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