Alamaat Abdur-Rahman al-Ghudayaan on the Haddad
Understanding Islam
Bayaan at-Talbees Ahlul-Takfeer
Ahlu-Sunnah Versus the Ashari/Sufi Movement
The Senior Scholars Warn Against Extremism and Exageration in Religion
Muslim Authorities
Countering Islamaphobia
To Non Muslims
Salafi Conferences With Scholars


Amongst the consequences of the actions of these individuals is that they have confused the thoughts of many of the youth.  Thus, as a result, some youths have strayed from the path of guidance and have begun to follow what those - who criticize others, and who have stood in the path of da'wah and blocked the path of Allâh - have drawn up for them.  Some of the youth, as a result of those individuals who criticize others, now sense a great gap between them and the Scholars, and now harbour great misgivings, causing them to stay away from the Scholars.  Some have begun to categorize people according to what he hears from these people, saying: so and so is from the Ikhwân, because he talks, visits or sits with a person from the Ikhwân; or that such and such is from the Surûrîs; or such and such is from the profiterors [i.e. those who wish to please everybody, even at the expense of the truth], etc.  The amazing thing is that these people imagine that by doing so, they are applying the methodology of al-jarh wat-ta'dîl. However, they have adopted in this action, ignorant leaders who are misguided and who misguide others.  Thus, it is upon the Muslim to fear Allâh regarding himself and those poor souls who are not even a quarter, or a tenth of the learned. 

There occurs in the authentic hadîth: "That Allâh guides through you even a single person, is better than the choicest of camels." [Related by al-Bukhârî (2942), from Sahl Ibn Sa'd radiallâhu 'anhu

Meaning that it is better for you in this world.  Likewise, whosoever misguides even a single person, will bear a great burden; as Allâh - the Most High - said, after mentioning the story of one of the Âdam's children killing his brother:   "Because of that, We ordained for the Children of Isra'îl that whosoever kills a person, not because of a life for a life; or killed a person in order to spread corruption upon the earth, it is as if he has killed the whole of mankind." [5:32].   

Thus, to send someone astray in his religion is far far greater than killing him.  So statements regarding matters of religion must be stated along with their proofs from either Allâh's Book, or the Sunnah of His Messenger sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam, and that when making such statements one should seek by that the Face of Allâh alone; and also one should ascertain if the harm resulting from such speech is not greater than the benefit, or that one's intention is not due to envy of a particular individual, or due to the following of one's desires.


[Al Hawâ wa Atharuhu fil Khilâf (33-34)]